The best vegan pre-workouts can transform your training regime, giving you laser-like focus, enhanced endurance, extra strength for your pumps, and improved energy levels. Finding an excellent vegan pre-workout, however, can be a little tricky.
Sneaky marketing tactics and misleading companies often claim products are vegan-friendly, but neglect to mention the gelatine in their capsules. Others claim they are all-natural or organic, hoping you’ll think they are the same thing. But you need a quality pre-workout that is 100% vegan – from its ingredients to its capsules – cruelty and animal-free, as well as sustainable.
We’ve thoroughly checked and compared every product on this list – investigating their effectiveness as well as their vegan credentials – and we’re happy to recommend them as our Best Vegan Pre-Workouts in the UK.
After reviewing dozens of supplements, we believe that Pre Lab Pro is the best stimulant vegan pre-workout available on the UK market.
Visit Pre Lab Pro’s Website here
Our Top 3 Vegan Pre-Workouts are:
- Pre-Lab Pro
- Performance Lab Caffeine 2™
- 4 Gauge
Read all about them after our guide below…
Benefits of Vegan Pre-Workouts
As the name implies, a pre-workout is a supplement taken before you work out or begin your training. Vegan pre-workouts come in various forms – from pre workout powder or shakes, to capsules, to meals – and they offer several benefits, such as:
1. Enhanced Motivation
We don’t all have an iron will all the time so it’s great to have a pre-workout that can boost your motivation and desire to go to the gym in the first place. A good pre-workout will help to give you the jolt of motivation when you need it.
2. Hyper Focus
There’s no better feeling than getting into the zone, and a quality pre-workout will help you achieve just that. You’ll enter that mental state where all that counts is getting the reps in or smashing your previous best. It can help you wind-down from the stresses of the day by encouraging a single-minded focus.
3. Improved Performance
A quality vegan pre-workout will include proven ingredients such as creatine monohydrate, scientifically shown to help boost athletic performance. The right active ingredients can help to enhance your endurance, improve your stamina, boost your energy, strengthen your power, and improve your pumps, among other things. You’ll be able to train for longer at high intensity, recover quicker and increase your strength.
Here’s a condensed list of some of the benefits you can expect from an effective vegan pre workout.
Summary of Benefits
- Improved physical performance
- Stronger focus and motivation for exercise
- Improved reaction times and speeds
- More energy
- Better endurance
- To burn fat before carbohydrates
- Enhanced blood flow, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the muscles
- Delayed onset of muscle fatigue
- Quicker muscle recovery
- A longer, harder workout.
A good pre-workout can mean extra reps, a couple more pounds on your normal weights, or being able to manage an extra-long training session. In short, a good pre-workout can take your training – and your physique – to the next level.
Additional Benefits for Vegans
Vegan athletes, of course, can benefit from all the above just like everyone else. BUT vegan pre workout powders or capsules often have an added benefit for vegan athletes by supplying ingredients or substances that vegans may struggle to get from their diet.
Creatine is one such ingredient. Proven to help create lean muscle mass and improve performance, plus offer neurological benefits, there aren’t any real dietary sources of creatine for vegans. Supplementing with a vegan-friendly version, therefore, helps to boost the low levels of creatine in your body.
Vegan athletes, bodybuilders and gym-goers have also been shown to have less carnosine in their bodies than meat eaters. An antioxidant typically concentrated in the muscles and brain, it’s important for muscle function, with high levels known to reduce fatigue and improve performance. The main sources of carnosine – meat, fish, and poultry – are unavailable to vegans and vegetarians. The good news, however, is that the body can make carnosine from beta-alanine, so look for a pre-workout that includes beta-alanine to help boost your carnosine levels.
Stim versus Non-Stim Vegan Pre-Workouts
One of the most popular pre-workout ingredients is caffeine, prized for its mental and physical energy boost. Many athletes swear by it, and for most people dosages of 200mg and under should be safe. We’d recommend you choose a caffeine pre-workout that also comes with L-theanine, known to reduce the side effects of caffeine. It’s a sign of a reputable manufacturer who genuinely cares about the wellbeing of its customers.
If you’re sensitive to caffeine, prefer your caffeine from other sources or just want to avoid it altogether, you’d benefit from a non-stimulant vegan pre-workout instead. Non-stim pre-workouts usually include ingredients designed to boost energy in a more subtle way, though be warned that many people find non-stim pre-workouts ineffective when compared to their stronger stimulant counterparts.
Ingredients to Look for in a Vegan Pre-Workout
Here are some of the popular ingredients to look for in a vegan pre-workout. We’ll include more detail about the ingredients in our actual product recommendations as well – including the all-important information on dosages – but for now, you can’t go too far wrong if your pre-workout contains some or most of these (assuming correct dosages, of course!)…
- CREATINE MONOHYDRATE: A powerhouse supplement and one of the most heavily researched ingredients available. Proven to boost endurance, energy, strength and enhance focus. As mentioned earlier, vegans are often low in creatine.
- CAFFEINE: Stimulant – increases focus, mood, fat loss, power, strength, and muscular endurance.
- BETA-ALANINE: Non-stim, boosts the body’s stores of carnosine – again vegans and vegetarians have been shown to have low levels of carnosine – and reduces fatigue. Helps you train longer and harder.
- L-CITRULLINE: Complements creatine, boosts nitric oxide, giving a better pump and power. Clears ammonia, delaying the time for muscles to fatigue.
- BETAINE: An amino acid that is fast becoming a pre-workout favourite for its ability to boost power and muscle gain and impact the way muscle cells use energy.
Buyers Guide to Vegan Pre-Workouts
What to look for in a vegan pre-workout…
- SPOT THE FAKES: Ensure any product you choose is genuinely vegan and cruelty-free: That should be a given, right? Unfortunately, you’d be shocked at how many products claim to be vegan but contain gelatine or some other animal-derived ingredient, particularly in capsules. Do your homework so that you can spot those supposedly innocent ingredients that just aren’t vegan. Always read the nutritional label and don’t assume ‘all-natural’ or ‘organic’ means they’re also vegan.
- Clean Formula, Ethical Manufacturing Process: Look for non-GMO pre-workouts, and products that don’t include artificial sweeteners, additives, flavourings, or fillers.
- Decide for yourself if you want a stimulant or non-stimulant pre-workout (or both, such as the combination of Pre Lab Pro paired with Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ for the days you need more of a kick. More on that later)
- Banned Substance Tested: If you’re a professional athlete or competitor, you’ll want to look for evidence that any product you choose is banned substance tested, meaning it’s safe for you to use around competition time.
- Effective ingredients: Don’t just choose a product that is jacked up by caffeine; that’s a lazy pre-workout. Caffeine is an excellent pre-workout ingredient if you want a stimulant (don’t go over 200mg and look for one with L-theanine), but there are other decent ingredients that you should look for. We’re talking creatine, citrulline, beta-alanine, glutamine, arginine, maritime pine bark and iron, among others. Vegan diets can be especially low in some of these nutrients, so they can do double duty.
- You’ll want to research any potential product for its mixability and taste. Any powder should dissolve well in liquid and be palatable enough to drink.
- Look for user reviews. Not all products are sold on Amazon, so you may have to scout around a little to find reviews from genuine buyers. Look for positive reviews and testimonials that indicate a company has excellent customer service. Bear in mind that a lack of negative reviews is also a positive thing.
We have considered ALL the above criteria when choosing our best vegan pre-workouts available on the UK market today. So, without any delay, let’s discover the…
Best Vegan Pre-Workouts in the UK
1. Pre Lab Pro
Pre Lab Pro calls itself the ‘world’s first true nootropic enhanced pre-workout drink’, and that should tell you something — this product aims to boost both your mental willpower and focus, as well as your physical prowess.
And isn’t that the ideal combination for an effective pre-workout?
Pre Lab Pro is a stimulant ultramodern vegan pre-workout powder that combines nitric oxide boosting with smart caffeine, protective antioxidants, and important nutrients.
Its ingredients are Vegan Approved by the Vegetarian Society, and its clean ethos carries through to its production values. Pre Lab Pro is non-GMO, non-irradiated, allergen-free, and free from artificial colouring and preservative. It is also banned substance -free, which means athletes can take it without worry. Pre Lab Pro is also eco-friendly.
Pre Lab Pro’s formula includes:
Nitric oxide boosters help to improve blood flow to the muscles, increasing oxygen to power them further. NO boosters can enhance endurance, increase your muscle pumps, and boost your strength. The NO boosters are:
- Red Beet – also known as beetroot – one of the best all-natural nitrate sources. It has been proven to aid neuromuscular performance, tackle fatigue, provide energy to the muscles, and boost reaction time during exercise.
- Citrulline is a second NO booster, helping to kick in when the first one begins to fade. Offering a second wind to help you keep going for longer.
The combination of caffeine – included here in a modest dose of 80mg – and L-theanine make the combination known as Smart Caffeine. The caffeine helps to boost focus and energy, while the L-theanine helps to offset any negative side effects, tackle anxiety, and generate a feeling of calm wakefulness.
High doses of caffeine can constrict circulation so Pre Lab Pro opts for an effective 80mg which is strong enough to give you a workout boost – ably assisted by the NO boosters in the formula – and a mental boost (assisted by the L-theanine).
The modest dose of caffeine means that you can safely double the serving, if you wish. Also included, glutathione – a powerful antioxidant which protects the body and muscles.
L-tyrosine helps to reduce stress after exercise, while Pre Lab Pro also contains B-vitamins – particularly useful for vegans – and Vitamin D, for stronger bones. Iron is also useful for strength and endurance. Himalayan Pink Salt and potassium, as an electrolyte, also aid hydration.
The brain boosting nootropics in this formula include L-tyrosine which can strengthen cognitive function and focus, particularly when you’re under physical stress (ie, a tough workout!). And L-theanine, which helps to keep you calm and alert, boost your mood and aid with focus and motivation. Both will help you to avoid the crash that often comes with intense exercise and/ or caffeine intake.
Pre Lab Pro Conclusion
Pre Lab Pro is a quality vegan pre-workout with not one, but two nitric oxide boosters to enhance endurance and strengthen the muscles. Caffeine also adds an injection of energy, along with nootropics that tackle anxiety, boost focus, motivation and more. Tackling the physical and the mental as one.
For all of these reasons, we’re very happy to recommend Pre Lab Pro as the #1 stimulant best vegan pre-workout on the UK market today.
READ our Full Review of Pre Lab Pro
2. Performance Lab Caffeine 2™
For those days where you need a bit of an extra kick, there’s Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ (formerly known as Performance Lab Caffeine +) – a caffeine pill with a difference. Taking a hit of caffeine before an exercise session is a tried and true workout hack, but Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ goes a step beyond that.
There’s the caffeine, sure, but there’s also additional L-theanine, l-tyrosine and B vitamins. Each of these plays a significant role in making Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ a safe ‘crash-free’ caffeine pill.
This pre-workout can be used on its own, or can be used to give an existing pre-workout a little extra kick on those days when you feel a little sluggish.
Here’s how it pairs well with Pre Lab Pro for instance — Pre Lab Pro’s carefully calibrated 80mg of caffeine is enough to give you an exercise and energy boost, but on those days when you may want a little more oomph, Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ — at a modest 50mg of caffeine per capsule — can help. Knowing exactly how much caffeine you’re getting per capsule allows you to control your dosage without taking too much. Be careful never to go beyond 400mg of caffeine per day from all sources, however.
The Ingredients in Performance Lab Caffeine 2™
Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ includes:
- 50mg of caffeine per capsule. This is a gentle hit of caffeine, ideal if you want a small boost. The beauty of Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ being in capsule form, of course, is that you can choose to take more – two or three pills, for instance (just beware your total caffeine intake). In this way, Caffeine 2™ allows you to double or triple your intake safely, enabling you to decide your own dose. You don’t get this option with many other pre-workouts.
- L-theanine: Together l-theanine and caffeine are known as ‘smart caffeine’. That’s because l-theanine helps to boost the positive effects of caffeine (more energy, more focus) while also negating the negative side effects (jitters and anxiety).
- The amino acid L–tyrosine also included helps to boost mood and retain focus.
- Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ also contains the B-vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12, the vitamins typically lost with caffeine intake. By supplementing with additional B vitamins, it helps the nervous system to handle stress and more. Note that vegans often struggle to gain enough B12 in their diet; low levels can cause anaemia and damage to the nervous system.
So, caffeine + ingredients to boost energy and focus + ingredients to reduce jitters, anxiety, and stress. All vegan ingredients. A winning combination in our eyes! Performance Lab Caffeine 2™ pairs perfectly with Pre Lab Pro for those days when you need a little extra something.
3. 4Gauge
Here’s our third recommendation for the best stimulant vegan pre-workout on the market today, 4Gauge. It’s a clever combo of caffeine and other heavy hitters in the pre-workout supplement field, such as L-Citrulline Dl-Malate, creatine, ALCAR and more. Let’s look at the formula
4Gauge’s Formula
4Gauge uses some great nitric oxide boosters to flood the muscles with oxygen, plus a combo of smart caffeine (caffeine and L-theanine), as well as hydration aids and nootropics to boost focus and reduce the body’s reaction to the physical stress of training. As well as the all-important and all-round useful creatine, of course. Let’s have a look at the ingredients in detail…
L-Citrulline Dl-Malate, extracted from watermelons, is by far the biggest ingredient in 4Gauge and with good reason; it is one of the best vasodilators or nitric oxide boosters around, boosting blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles. This means better muscle pumps, plus longer and harder training. All of which help to build size and strength. Citrulline malate also helps to reduce sore muscles and tackle fatigue. The 6000mg is an effective dosage.
Creatine: Creatine is a big hitter when it comes to boosting ATP production (typically depleted during exercise) and providing more energy for the muscles. It’s also included here for focus. The 1,000mg in 4Gauge is more of a maintenance level than a loading amount, but it’s still a decent dose for a pre-workout.
Caffeine and L-Theanine: A combo known as ‘smart caffeine’, the 150mg of caffeine in 4Gauge should be well tolerated by most people. Its negative side effects will be further reduced by the nootropic L-theanine, which also helps to raise GABA levels and encourage calm. Together they give a calm, focused energy boost without the crash, jitters, or anxiety.
ALCAR or Acetyl L-Carnitine: Used for years in sports supplements to improve performance, ALCAR has been shown to reduce fatigue, limit exercise-related damage to muscles and speed up recovery. It also encourages testosterone production, improves muscle mass, and is thought to burn fat too. The benefits don’t stop there: ALCAR also has nootropic benefits, boosting cognitive function, motivation, mental energy, and alertness.
Red Beet, (Beta Vulgaris), better known as beetroot, boosts nitric oxide enabling better blood flow and improved oxygen to the muscles – a boon for aerobic exercise.
Coconut Water Powder, to boost hydration and balance electrolytes.
Rhodiola Rosea: Another nootropic in 4Gauge, Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen – which means it helps the body tackle chemical, physical and mental reactions to stress. The benefit here? It helps the body to reduce fatigue in stressful physical situations such as prolonged exercise regimes. It also acts as a proven motivator.
Our View on 4Gauge
4Gauge is one of our favourite stimulant vegan pre-workouts. It will give you the boost you need to power on through those workouts and improve your muscle pumps. 4 Gauge should give you:
- A laser-like focus while working out
- Improved endurance from the ‘smart caffeine’
- More energy
- Intense muscle pumps
- Improved mood
- Performance enhancers without the side effects, thanks to the l-theanine also in the formula.
You are recommended to take a week off from 4Gauge every 6-8 weeks.
4Gauge’s ‘Clean’ Credentials
4Gauge is:
- Confirmed vegan
- Made from all-natural ingredients
- Free of artificial sweeteners or flavourings
- Made in FDA and GMP certified facilities
- Free of synthetic ingredients
- Free of banned substances
Final Word on 4Gauge
With its careful attention to detail and commitment to all-natural ingredients and vegan principles, we believe 4Gauge is one of the best stimulant vegan pre-workouts that you can buy on the UK market today.
READ our Full Review on 4 Gauge