As you may be able to tell from the incredibly obvious name, BodyDynamix Slimvance Thermogenic frames itself as an advanced slimming product. It’s a fat burner first and foremost, while also claiming to be totally natural – a claim that we’ll look at in this piece.
The overall structure of the product is interesting since it relies heavily on three primary ingredients, as well as a few other active ingredients.
Unfortunately, it’s also a proprietary blend which is a hell of a problem and one we address every time we see it – because it’s a real issue.
We’re going to look at everything in Slimvance Thermogenic and judge how it compares to our favourite fat burners for 2020.
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Table of Contents
Slimvance Thermogenic Ingredients
Slimvance Patented Blend
Oh, how we hate proprietary blends. Let us count the ways…
Before we discuss the ingredients in the Slimvance Patented Blend, let us just say this: proprietary blends are the bane of the supplement industry. It’s essentially a way of hiding dosages so you have no idea if a blend has 1mg, 10mg, or 100mg of an ingredient. Which means you have no clue whether it’s adequately dosed enough to have a positive effect.
All we can say about the Slimvance Patented Blend is that it contains three ingredients and the total dosage of all three is 450mg per one serving (of two capsules).
Now, to be fair, we’ve seen worse proprietary blends. With just three ingredients and a decent sized dosage, we can hope that each ingredient is included in decent amounts.
That’s enough playing nice: BodyDynamix, get rid of your proprietary blend and we’ll think more highly of you.
Of course, the dosage in this blend is only one of the issues – you really need to choose strong ingredients if you’re selling these as your super-duper primary ingredients. So, let’s have a look at the ingredients Slimvance Thermogenic has chosen…
The benefits of this ingredient are not related to better fat loss, but rather the combination of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects it provides. These are protective and seem to be associated with better overall health outcomes across a wide range of measures.
Obviously, this is good, but it’s not a fat-burning compound. The studies that investigated these claims all found it to be lacking and there’s no reliable effect on fat mass or weight loss. These are obviously what we’d be looking for in a fat-burner’s touted primary ingredient!
This would make a good secondary ingredient in a well-rounded fat-burner product but it’s not an active ingredient in this sense. What you will get is increased lung capacity and possibly improved insulin action, but these aren’t enough to burn “6x more fat” as the product’s marketing claims.
This is the most effective and important compound in this product when it comes to health and wellbeing, if not actual weight loss. It’s a standard in the industry and one of the herbal ingredients that actually has a body of scientific support, which is rare.
Turmeric is primarily important for two things: heme iron and curcumin. These are independently very important in human nutrition and – combined – they make it one of the very few legitimate superfoods.
Iron is a common deficiency and many of us are living with low-iron diets, especially women, who already have higher iron demands. There aren’t many high-quality heme iron source from plants, but turmeric is a fantastic source and offers a rare opportunity for better health.
Curcumin is a high-quality plant nutrient found in high concentrations in turmeric and is widely praised for its range of health-promoting effects. These range from anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to reducing pain, and improving circulation.
As a result, turmeric is one of the most effective ingredients in this product. It’s going to be a key factor in any effects this product has, assuming the dosage is ok.
As a supplement, curcumin is better than turmeric itself. The iron levels aren’t particularly high when compared to other sources, but the curcumin should provide significant benefits to a wide variety of health markers all by itself.
Curry Leaves
This is a compound that is included primarily for the vitamin and mineral content, which is always useful. However, it’s not entirely clear that these are going to be the most important vitamins and minerals for better fat loss.
The key compounds in the curry leaves include vitamin C. This is a useful vitamin for collagen synthesis and immune function, but this doesn’t directly or indirectly contribute to better fat loss. It can protect bones and joints, which is great, but it’s unclear why this is one of the key ingredients.
This would be a good adjunct compound but isn’t necessarily the best choice when things like muscle-sparing are overlooked. It’s a sign that this product doesn’t really back up the claims it made about “6x greater fat loss” – which seems both scientifically impossible and practically false.
There are some interesting implications of curry leaves for control and regulation of insulin and cholesterol activity, but they’re not huge and they don’t burn fat!
The result is that this product doesn’t pack a punch at all, and the ingredient choices are really lacking. It makes big, bold claims while also offering a relatively weak and ineffective set of ingredients.
This is a good combination with Capsaicin, which we’re about to highlight, but there could be better compounds included like green tea extract or HMB.
This is an industry standard and brings some benefits and drawbacks of its own. Naturally, caffeine can be useful for improving metabolic rate, burning more calories, and reducing the feelings of tiredness we often associate with a fat-loss diet.
Equally, it can significantly affect sleep quality if not properly controlled, or if the dosage is too high. This does result in some concerns depending on how you use this product – and it’s why stimulant-free compounds such as Performance Lab Fat Burner are better for some.
The increased metabolic rate is also associated with some aspects of lifestyle like non-exercise activity thermogenesis. For example, jittering and fidgeting offer both the benefits and concerns of caffeine and other stimulants.
This is a useful compound but also needs to be consumed in a responsible way that makes sense with your lifestyle and schedule. The one serving a day (2 capsules) approach provides 200mg which is both effective and safe, while the two servings recommended by Slimvance (4 capsules) adds up to 400mg of the 450mg daily limit recommended by the FDA. That’s a heck of a lot! This can easily disrupt sleep and increase the risk of side effects.
Garcinia Cambogia
This is a much-hyped compound that is an antioxidant but does not burn fat. The research on this compound is not small, but the studies all seem to suggest that its effects are only possible in rodents, which have significantly different metabolisms to humans.
The concerns are that these effects aren’t visible or reliable in human studies and don’t seem to be effective beyond these antioxidant effects. The overall results are a great marketing tool but a very poor use of 100mg (per single dose) of this product’s limited space.
Again, there are things we’d like to see instead like a muscle-sparing compound or green tea extract. As a result, this ingredient choice is both confusing and speaks to the lack of coherent design philosophy we would have liked to see with this product.
This is one of the better fat burning ingredients on the market since it combines the positive effects of thermogenesis and increased antioxidant effects. These combine for better fat loss and health, which is a great combination.
This isn’t a particularly rare compound, however, so it’s still not clear that this product will out-perform any of its main competitors. We like Capsaicin but it’s such a staple on the market right now that it’s not enough, by itself, to ensure a great fat-burner!
It’s important to keep in mind the whole dosage of effective ingredients in the whole product, rather than just this one.
This is a great secondary compound for improving the absorption of various nutrients through your intestines to boost their performance.
It’s not going to do much by itself, but it amplifies the effects of other ingredients in this product. If all other things are equal, the product with piperine will always be better – but it only amplifies what is already in the product.
In this instance, it’s going to be useful for compounds like capsaicin, but it would be a better inclusion to a better product. We like it, but the active ingredients underperform slightly compared to what we’d like to see combined with this ingredient.
Piperine is great and you should always be looking for it – or supplementing it yourself with your dietary supplements – but it won’t save this product. It’s not enough to take it from good to great!
BodyDynamix Slimvance Thermogenic Formula Analysis
Slimvance Thermogenic talks a good game, but fails to walk the walk.
The proprietary blend is hiding ingredient dosages for no real reason, while the effects of the fat-burning ingredients are relatively weak compared to others on the market. Equally, the use of Garcinia cambogia belies a generally weak approach to supplementation since we know this just isn’t effective.
BodyDynamix comes out looking silly if you know how these ingredients work and what to expect. The claims are huge and there’s nowhere near enough evidence to suggest they’re accurate, especially since the only evidence that is presented (see later) is biased and funded by the company itself.
» See the #1 Fat Burner This Year «
Pros of Slimvance Thermogenic
- Turmeric is a great ingredient – being a key source of heme iron and the main source of curcumin
- Some effective ingredients, even if they’re not optimised in a coherent design philosophy
- The caffeine will help to encourage thermogenesis and energy, contributing to potential weight loss
Cons of Slimvance Thermogenic
- The claims made about this product in the marketing are patently absurd and not justified by the ingredient list or the associated ‘studies’ which are deeply flawed!
- Market comparisons are deliberately obscure, difficult, and choose products that make Slimvance look good
- Low quality information on the website, making it difficult to find proper customer information before purchase
- Relies on caffeine for its main punch and we wouldn’t recommend taking 400mg a day, which can have numerous side effects
- Weak when compared to some of the alternatives on the market that also focus on weight loss and muscle sparing
Consumer Reviews

Outlandish claims from Slimvance Thermogenic
Consumer reviews for this product are mixed with a combination of “it worked for me” and “I didn’t notice a difference” being the main trends. There are plenty of people out there who have tried it and, fortunately, it continues to be generally-safe.
There are very few adverse effects and the negative reviews say what we might expect: it doesn’t do as much as it says. This means that, overall, there’s some confidence in the product and it’s not hurting anyone.
Obviously, the website contains testimonials, but these aren’t an unfiltered review system – they’re just the positive ones. This isn’t a huge problem, but it does show that there isn’t an out-pouring of positive reviewing support for the product.
Safety/Side Effects
While there are things about this product that we dislike, it’s not for the sake of safety. This product is a healthy and side-effect-free product for most people – with the only exception being those who are allergic or intolerant to the ingredients, or those with caffeine sensitivity.
Caffeine levels in this product are relatively normal for one serving – but should be watched through the day. It contains 200mg of the maximum 450mg per day recommended by the FDA, so it’s worth checking how your diet looks overall. Equally, we recommend avoiding the 2 capsules, twice a day approach, since this is likely to negatively affect your sleep and recovery.
You should remain diligent for side effects and, if you notice anything, be sure to contact the relevant medical professional.
How to Take It
This is a capsule product, which means it’s going to offer some convenience, but is also limited to relatively low doses of curcumin, which can be taken more easily as a powder.
You can take 1-2 capsules twice per day. This means you can take one capsule in a morning and another in the evening if necessary, or 2 for each.
We recommend staying with one capsule twice per day, or two in a morning, as the 2×2 approach would produce a huge caffeine intake – especially in the evening. You’re not going to have room for any other caffeine sources while using this product, if you follow the intended usage, so keep that in mind.
Take this product with water, since the iron will increase hydration demands for better digestive health and wellbeing.
Who Takes It?
We’re not sure who’s taking this product, but the marketing materials make it clear that it’s a product specifically aimed at women – and even more so those after 30.
The use of this product does seem to benefit women more due to iron content, but as mentioned above it’s not clear how this product is supposed to boost fat loss. It’s a good ingredient but it’s not clearly elevating this product compared to market alternatives.
Evaluating Study Claims
There’s a study discussed in the marketing materials of this product that is one of the examples of how science is misused in the supplement industry. Firstly, it’s mentioned but not cited/linked directly, which is always sketchy.
On top of this, the ingredients themselves don’t have proven, credible effects on fat loss so the starting point is one of scepticism. There are only 2 studies discussing this combination of herbs and they are both funded by – and performed by — employees/stakeholders of the companies selling the products.
These are very clear conflicts of interest and there are no credible studies from independent bodies or scientists that verify these claims. Until there’s reliable, unbiased research, there’s no reason to suspect that these claims are accurate or reliable – especially since there’s a significant lack of evidence for the ingredients independently.
Even further, the study results do not suggest that this product burns 6x more fat, since the control group did not lose weight. This means that the controlled variables for individuals on the walking/diet plan did not adhere to the plan at all, since this should have produced weight loss in both groups.
On top of this, consider that DNP – a potentially-lethal compound that has been banned, but is regarded as the strongest fat-loss compound around – only increases weight loss to 3x normal. This comes with the literal risk of burning your cells alive, so there’s clearly some exaggeration here!
This significantly reduces the actual value of this insight and is a clear miscommunication on how weight loss works, as well as the effects of this product. The whole study needs to be replicated with better internal validity and an unbiased source before it can be taken seriously.
If you’re looking for a powerful fat-burning supplement, this isn’t the product we’d recommend.
Conclusions on Slimvance Thermogenic
Overall, this product is a lot of marketing hype that just isn’t justified by the product or its performance. The result is an economy level product without the price tag, and a product that wants to be premium without any of the associated effects.
We feel like the marketing is somewhere between intentionally obscure and out-right false. This is a concern when the product is out-performed easily and by products with a better quality of customer information.
The overall result is a 3/5 product that has been marketed like the best thing in fitness. The problems here are setting expectations higher than it could support, and generally taking the audience for fools.
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