According to the NHS, everyone should take a vitamin D supplement in the autumn and winter to keep bones, teeth, muscles, and the immune system healthy. That’s because we here in the UK don’t get enough sunshine for half the year – meaning our bodies can’t make the vitamin D we need. There’s a reason… Read More
10 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally
Testosterone is key for men’s health, energy, strength, and wellness, but what can you do when it starts to fall? We offer 10 ways to increase testosterone naturally… Did you know that testosterone starts to decline by as much as 1% each year after the age of 30? By the time you’re 40 or 50… Read More
10 Top Productivity Hacks to Improve Your Day
Did you know the average employee in the UK is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes a day? [1] We spend the rest of the working day procrastinating, trawling social media and news sites, discussing out-of-work activities, and taking drink/ food/ smoke breaks. Shocking, huh? Or… is it? Nowadays our lives just seem… Read More
Essential Vitamins for Young Women in their 20s
Here’s why we need to talk more about vitamins for young women… UK young women in their 20s are more likely to suffer from low levels of more than 10 essential vitamins and nutrients compared to men and older women. [1] Worryingly, studies also show that 90% of young women in the UK (aged 18-38)… Read More
Nootropic Ingredients: What Works and What Doesn’t
When you’re looking for the best nootropic stack, or working out which nootropic would best suit you, it can seem like there’s just too much to choose from. There are dozens of nootropics, and nootropic stack supplements, available, so it pays to be knowledgeable about their ingredients. >>Discover the #No1 Best Nootropic Supplement This Year… Read More