The most popular monthly men’s magazine in the UK, Men’s Health, has released its own branded multivitamin range. Developed in partnership with Omega Pharma and released under the name Men’s Health Lab, the range of vitamins aims to support your body and mind, whatever your goal or physique. The manufacturers describe it as the ‘ideal… Read More
Arnold Iron Cuts Review
When you think about weight loss, you don’t exactly picture Arnold Schwarzenegger. And yet, the former actor and governor of California has put his name to Arnold Iron Cuts, a popular fat burner and number three on our Best Fat Burners of 2016 list. So what gives? Well, it turns out that, like Arnold himself,… Read More
Fat Burners FAQ
Of all the different supplements on the market, fat burners are potentially the most confusing. While all can potentially help with weight loss in one way or another and to varying degrees, only a few actually help the body to ‘burn fat’. Instead, fat burners can be so much more. Read on to find out… Read More
Animal Cuts Review
If you’re looking for a hard core fat burner, Animal Cuts is a good choice. Originally released in 2006, it is aimed at athletes and body builders who want extreme definition, to get rid of excess water and to gain maximum striations and cuts. In short, it’s a one-stop stack designed to help body builders… Read More
Testosterone Boosters FAQ
You probably have a lot of questions when it comes to choosing the right testosterone boosting supplement for you, and you’ve come to the right place. Here are our frequently asked (and answered) questions… What Is Testosterone? Testosterone is, in essence, the male sex hormone, responsible for reproductive and sexual development. It influences the development… Read More